So my first review is on "She's gotta have it" - This is the best Spike Lee movie that i have seen yet. Spike Lee is in it, so you know that it's got to be good. He's fucking hilarious. His name is Mars and he is one of the dudes that dates "Nola Darling" - i love that name. So the movie is about this girl who dates a bunch of men and doesn't want to choose just one. Basically, she's a flat out whore. The way she is really disgusts me and saddens me that some girls are actually like this in real life. Anyway, definitely adding this one to my list of favorite movies.

My Second review is on "Coco Chanel" - I loved this movie as well! It flashes back between Coco's past and toward the end of her life. It kind of seems that Chanel didn't have a hard life and she was lucky and fortunate, she had help from alot of people. The clothes were obviously amazing. And "Boy" the man she refers to as "The love of her life," Wow is he good looking. He's extremely sexy, and i usually don't find alot of men very sexy, just cute, or well-dressed. Also, there are some similarities in this movie that were in the Karl Lagerfeld documentary, it is so weird!. Overall this movie was sad at times, enjoyable, and another great fashion biography. I'm so pissed that "Coco Avant Chanel" Won't be released in Canada, hopefully i can find some way to get a hold of it, bootlegs anyone?

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